I don't buy jewels, because I don't come from a early-ages-wealthy family, nor do I make enough money to it now (I am not complaining. It is just the way it is and I am working hard to be able to afford it soon!).
I addornments are made from cheap commodities and I can't complain about them. But I carry wishes underneath my skin when I walk by the jewel store, my eyes shine and my heart is filled with hope (of future wealth).

Enough about my misery =] ...here in Brazil, there is this amazing jewel designer named Antonio Bernardo, I have always admired his pieces since I was a very little girl and I walked by its store at Iguatemi mall.
Eu não compro jóias. AINDA.
Eu tenho muitas aquisições a fazer antes de investir em ouro para adorno pessoal. Além de ter que trabalhar duro para isso. Mas como eu sonho! Sonho muito em ter jóias! Muitas! Inshalá!
Desde muita mais menina, eu admiro o Antonio Bernardo. E, fala sério, olha essas preciosidades! Que desenho incrível, né?! Faz qualquer uma suspirar...
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