Today, I changed my name. I mean my cyber name. I don't know if you noticed, but I was signing YouAdore and blog comments under Aline M (M to refer to my real life last name). Now, my name is Aline Bear.
I don't know if you notice but I don't work with fashion, art or music....I work as a business consultant. Therefore, I run one very-orthodox and corporate-related life, with terms like EBITDA, efficiency, share, profit, optimization, control, sales, interest, inflation, debt and other Wall Street vocab.
I also manage to run a second life, a paralell one. This life is defined to my sewing hobby and YouAdore posting. As an authentic gemini, I think the two-lifes keep me balanced because I don't think my life could ever be strictly corporate or fashion (ying and yang).
Once my formal job requires me to have a very serious and grown-up posture, I don't think it's appropriate to have my name dancing around the web under posts commenting the last fashion show or the perfect blush I found. The reason is because I deal with high-scale executives on my daily basis and what credibility will my work have to their eyes, if they find out I am also the YA owner? (No offense to fashion or beauty obsession, I love it, but my work environment is super orthodox)
So, get used to Aline Bear as my cyber name. It's really a joke because I eat too much and my sleeping is very close to hibernation (deep and long).
Preguiça de urso de traduzir hoje. Bom....não sei se alguém notou que estava assinando o posts e tudo vida na vida de bloguette com o nome de Aline M (M, porque é a inicial do meu sobrenome - chatíssimo, neah?! Por isso que estou mudando!). Meu nome internético, a partir de agora, vai ser Aline Bear (muito prazer!).
É realmente um pseudônimo para minha vida paralela de YA. Não sei se vocês perceberam, mas meu trabalho é super corporativo e não para ter o meu nome real dançando no internet só debaixo de posts de roupa e make (nada contra da minha parte, é claro! mas tem os super chefes e clientes que podem achar meio estranho).
Bom, então tá aí a introdução do meu codinome que, realmente, tem referência a urso! Só porque como demais e não durmo, hiberno.
1 comment:
Prazer Aline Bear...rsrsrsr
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