Sunday, April 27, 2008

'Dia de beauté' meeting

My morning ritual includes showering, hair-blowing, teeth-brushing, driving to work and visiting the blogs 'Dia de beauté', 'It girls', 'Oficina de estilo', 'Bem-casadas', 'Design*Sponge', 'Desire to Inspire', 'PrataPorter', among others.
Today I had the pleasure to participate of a 'Dia de beauté' meeting, promoted by its writer Victoria Ceridono. She has just joined the Brazil Vogue Beauty writing team and is working with a celebrated make-up artist here called Duda Molinos .

The meeting was a brunch at Braverie where girls interested in fashion and make-up got together to meet each other and chit-chat a bit about their/our shared interest. D went to the meeting to accompany myself as a deal (skydiving-brunch) we made on Friday.
I have to confess to I was terrified to go and not have talking material, but I am happy that I did go and I support/incentive every blog or other web channel to do it (I am crossing my fingers to someday be able to promote something like that! =]).

It was simply a delight to meet so many beautiful, smart and intriguing ladies. I met Fê Resende (from Oficina de Estilo), Alê Garattoni (from It Girls), Constance Borges (from Bem-Casadas, that I already kinda met from school) and Victoria Ceridono (duh!)!!! Yaayyy!!! Among the non-bloggers, I adored you too, but I am terrible with names...forgive me, girls!


Carol Lara said...

so nice to meet u 2!
I'm one of the "non bloggers".

I'll keep reading your blog =) Congratz! Your english is very good, girl!

Constance Zahn said...

Bom, eu vou comentar em português mesmo...!rs

Adorei te rever, Aline! É legal saber o que o pessoal da faculdade tá fazendo da vida...:) Foi gostoso o encontro, né?! Tb quero um pro Bem-Casadas!rsrsrs

E adorei o seu blog!!! To morrendo de vontade de tirar uma foto "jumping" tb!!!rsrsrs
