Friday, May 30, 2008
'Casa dos criadores' video
'Casa dos criadores'
This is the 'Casa dos Criadores' lounge. At the moment of the shooting there is a show going on.
It is a really quick over view of the event - I was there for about 30 minutes.
Today, I plan on attending it once more and I will try to do a better registry here
Thursday, May 29, 2008
At 'casa dos criadores'
I am at 'Casa dos Criadores', enjoying my very first fashion event. Unfortunatelly, I dont have invitations to the runway. I am watching it thru the screen =(.
Gotta go! I am taking some pics, so check YouAdore later!
What I am listening to
Herbie Hancock - Chameleon (Live)
This video was recorded back in 1974, in Chicago.
Herbie Hancock is performing on Sunday with Macy Gray in a free concert here in town. So, I dedided to get to know his work. Good music always feels fresh, dont you agree?
End of broken-nail fuss

Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Happy B-Day, ENZOOO!!
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Around fashion critics wannabe
I am enjoying this little time to watch a lecture about Fashion Criticism at Escola São Paulo, done by Maria Prata (Vogue RG editor).
I will let you know how it went.
My chooka boots arrived
Monday, May 26, 2008
Sunday, May 25, 2008
Adios Bs As! Where am I going now?
This little get-away was terrific! Looking foward to the next trip (this year? next year? where to go?).
For me, the twenties are meant to be enjoyed with loads of trip, fun and splurge! I NEED to enjoy myself the most until further responsabilities hit me (kids and retirement fund).
Trips are ultra precious life memories and you just can't get enough! If you visit a place in your twenties, it will be completely different in your forties or nineties...the place changes and so do you. So, travel the most you can at all periods of your life!
Saturday, May 24, 2008
¡Saludos argentinos!
I did not buy many clothes, but aquired all the items I planned to buy on my beauty list.
Recoleta, Palero Soho, Palermo Hollywood and Galeria Pacifico are the it places for shopping for in Bs As!
I have to confess that I have NOt been able to refuse the delicacies sold here. This country is know for its exquisite dulce de leche and tender steaks! Everything is cheap and I might be splurging too much!
Thursday, May 22, 2008
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Buenas cuempras!
One of the goals is already being accomplished! In my first DutyFree opportunity I bought sooo many MAC treats (Studio Fix, Studio Finish, Prep+Prime, Myth, Flashdance, brush kit, eye curler, Base Tint and Make-up remover). Also bought Lancome Fatale maskara for me and two of my girls D and L!
The plane is about to take over! Adios y hasta Buenos Aires!
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Videogame is not usually girl talk! BUT, if you are really an it girl, you have to at least be aware of WiiFit. WiiFit is a game for the Nintendo Wii console that intructs you to do aerobic exercises, practice yoga and improve body balance and strenght!
Well, basically, it is a game that is able to prepare a personalized fitness training for you! It is very revolutionary and stimulant!
When you start to play, it checks to balance, BMI (Body Mass Index), body control and asks you your age. It prepares a training program to you and keeps track of your improvement as you follow the program suggested!
If you don't have time to go to the gym, like me, buy a WiiFit! It is open 24/7!
Quest for CURVEX

Monday, May 19, 2008
Gray stone
After about 5 months without having a hair cut, I cut my hair on Friday! I will post a picture later!
Sunday, May 18, 2008
Bloguettes meeting
I did carry my camera with me as I always do, but unfortunatelly I forgot the memory card. Stupid me! Sorry everybody! I sure 'Beauté', 'Oficina' and 'It Girls' will exhibit all the pictures Ivi (photographer and writter of 'Vodca Barata') took.
I got my very first gift bag from the meeting. It is the cutest blouse from Flan, a clothing store here in town!
Friday, May 16, 2008
Thursday, May 15, 2008
Help me with your vote
I running for a contest promoted by Melissa and the prize is a trip to New York City. Melissa is a Brazilian shoe brand here that produces super-fabulous shoes and sandals. The products sell over the world, have abig advantage because they are very affordable. Vivienne Westwood was the designer of the lastest Melissa collection.
I had to write a story for the contest and the one with more online votes will be the winner. I could have promoted my story here before, but I was shy (silly!)...The voting period ends today at 6 p.m.! I have no clue if I have any chances, but help me! Click here and vote, please!
The winner result will be available until Monday!
I got it from my work colleague and I can't complain about it because he worked complain-less. Of course, I don't want to be the little girl in the my predominantly male office =]!
So, I am suffering, but still working! Tears just won't stop going down my face...
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Queen B headband

Hello Kitty is modeling

It's amazing to see how far Meirelles is making in the movie business and I feel proud that he is a Brazilian. Former arquitect, both 'Cidade e Deus' and 'O Jardineiro Fiel', that were directed by him, hold four Oscar nominations.
'Blindness' is an adaptation of a novel written by Nobel prize winner José Saramago. It is about a plague of blindness sweeping the world. Everything collapses as a result of the disease's power and caos takes place. The piece presents a hidden side of the human nature, when it faces an unusual condition.
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Kelly Osbourne

Chooka rain boots

Monday, May 12, 2008
The thing about blogging is that the more you post, more subjects come to your mind that you would like to post.
In contrast to the previous days, I've been enough to remind myself all kinds of stuff that I would like to share.
I've always been a great fork-lifter, but lately I haven't been interested on eating any chocolate, cake, pie or ice cream. That's REALLY odd to me.
I like to eat, once in a while, brie cheese with jam. My favourite jam is made of cherry, strawbery and wild berry by Confiture Bonne Maman. This confiture makes its jam using 50 grams of fruit for each 100 grams of jam. The result is obvious, the jam is simply a delight to the palate.
I have the SATC premiere pictures!

SATC premiere TODAY
Bloguette rule number ONE!
I totally agree with them, because I hate when I visit my favourite blogs and there is not anything novel there.
I have been busting my a** at work and it will not get better this week. Lunch hour is getting closer and I promise to use it to do my research and post somethinf fun-fresh-fab here!
Yesterday, I spent my day behing my sewing machine, making PJ pants for my gals!
Thursday, May 8, 2008

Wednesday, May 7, 2008
Thousand mark
Adore Giffen goods...does it make sense?
Since I studied Economics in college, that should mean I am an economist. So, let me have my economist moment:
In Economics, there is a concept named 'Giffen good' which is a good/item that is more demanded when its price increases (while everything else in the world remains the same). In other words, if a beautiful dress has its price augmented, more people want to buy it. Does this behaviour make any sense to you? For me, it doesn't.
But many, many times I am caught wanting the most expensive clothes, shoes, meals, clubs, makes, gadgets, bijoux, etcetera. Do I really want it for what it is or the highest price offers me a sinful delight?
Monday, May 5, 2008
What I am listening to
Devendra Banhart - Feel just like a child
One of Karl's adored songs. Ackward video, but great tune indeed.
Lohan at Ugly Betty
Tattoo your gadget


Friday, May 2, 2008
Karl rocks my (dream) closet ears!!!

Mariah Carey - CANNON
Apparently, Mariah Carey got married to Nick Cannon (rap singer and actor) this week. The celebrity media is all about it and thought I would let you know.
I particularly don't love Mariah. I respect her singing talents, but hate her clothing-choices. Have you seen the the top-of-charts "Touch my body" video? Tacky and class-less to me.